We are thrilled to announce pre prodcution for our next feature film has begun! We are extremely excited about this project. The working title is “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.” We cannot wait to share it with the world and witness all the good it will do for humans, inherently good dogs and the cause.
If you haven’t seen Saving Jones yet, it’s available until March 5th to rent and gift to others. This documentary is for everyone not just “dog people.” In fact it’s vital those who think what is happening to pit bull type dogs is not their problem and doesn’t effect them. They need to see it the most. Send it to them.
🎥 Info on home page
#standupforpits #angelforever #sallyforever #inherentlygood #pitbulltypedog #the #greastest #love #story #ever #told #angelforeverproductions #creative #activism #educate

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