By roscoenstella / March 4, 2025 / No Comments / Dog Blog
Dear Scott,
We are respectfully asking you to remove this fear based ignorance airing regularly & frequently in New York. This kind of misinformation and discrimination has and continues to cost millions of inherently good dogs their lives. For over four decades untrue myths like your ad has resulted in Breed Specific Legislation which is discrimination enshrined in law is ineffective and costs tax payers millions dollars. The stereotype you’re spewing in this painfully uncreative advertisement you think makes you look like a tough guy perpetuates an image about these dogs which prevents landlords from renting to responsible pit bull type dog owners, day cares from accepting them into their facilities and emboldens uneducated humans like you to enforce bans on these dogs in dog parks, on airlines, pet stores, groomers – and the list goes on and on – based solely on their appearance. Just as it would be agregios and unfair to assume the appendage in your pants is the size of a baby carrot because of what you look like it is equally agregios and unfair to repeatedly air propoganda which portrays pit bull type dogs as “aggressive” because of what they look like. Factually Scott, two legged types are far more dangerous than any dog of any kind could ever be and if a “pit bull” was to represent a two legged type in court that legal proceeding would be filled with kisses, joy and farts. So, on behalf of these magical dogs who are victimized by humans daily and cannot speak for themselves. REMOVE THIS GARBAGE IMMEDIATELY. If you’d like to educate yourself you can start by watching our award winning documentary @savingjones. If you have further questions we’d be happy to meet face to face to further educate you on the horrors these poor dogs have and continue to endure and teach you about how you can help end it.
We ask everyone else to please contact Scott and demand this discrimanatory advertisement be removed now. Thank you.
Rubenstein & Rynecki
📞1-800-447-HURT or 929-207-6546
📍26 Court Street, Suite 1200
Brooklyn, NY 11242
📧 Contact Rubenstein & Rynecki | New York City Law Firm
The post REMOVE THIS ADVERTISEMENT NOW. MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! appeared first on Stand Up For Pits Foundation.