To see the continued impact Saving Jones is having around the world is inspiring beyond belief and has far exceeded anything we could have imagined. We thank every one of you who have rented this film and gifted it to others. Change starts with education and this award winning documentary is an invaluable and timeless tool to educate the world. If you haven’t seen Saving Jones yet, please rent it today and consider gifting it to someone who needs educating. Society would rather ban and blame voiceless victims than take any responsibilty for the four decades of misinformatiom and horrors they have put these inherently good dogs through. It’s time that changes. Saving Jones is available until March 5th.


Saving Jones | Kinema
Saving JONES is an award winning biographical social commentary about the abuse and discrimination of dogs as it directly relates to human abuse.

We are now offering screenings with a virtual Q&A with those involved in the film including writer/director Rebecca Corry. If you want to screen Saving Jones in your community, at your event, at your school etc, email [email protected] for more information.

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The post MORE SAVING JONES RECOGNITION! appeared first on Stand Up For Pits Foundation.