Meanwhile, in the North Maine Woods.

9/28/23 Togo of Seppalta is 1 year old. As of today, he has 336 miles in harness. 98% of that…

Good Friday provided 6 new Good Dogs! Welcome to the great white north! 1 Male, 5 Females. Left to Right…

I’ve been so busy preparing for winter and taking care of dogs. It’s hard to find time for this venue.…

The puppies are 6 months old in a few days. This is run number 4 for them. Togo & Ivan…

Ivan and Togo. Togo is now 6 months old and 56 pounds. He’s already establishing himself as a natural sled…

I’ve done a lot of paintings the last couple of years. Acrylic on masonite and I also make the frames.…

It’s taken years, but I’m finally living the dream of running dogs and building my team/kennel. Now that I’m retired,…

Owners of large dogs with thick and long fur have a hard time finding a shock collar that's effective. Why?…

Goldendoodles are popular family pets that need a high-quality diet to thrive. What you feed them in the early years…