By roscoenstella / March 4, 2025 / No Comments / Dog Blog
Another precious Lancaster Animal Care Center survivor we were able to save and provide immediate medical care for is not only out of hospital, in an amazing foster home and thriving but today she got her very own photoshoot with our dear friend lartelgphotography and had a blast!!! Laura said “she loves to kiss.” Izzy is truly magical and full of love and life. An earth angel in every way. Please share this velvet land seal far and wide so her lucky human can find her. She deserves to be worshipped. Contact Orange County Pit Bull Rescue to fill out an adoption application and email [email protected] with any other questions. We love her so much and are happy to tell you all we know about her and her story.❣️
If you’re able to donate towards Izzy’s care you can do so right here at standupforpits.us. SUFP is funding all her care until she is adopted and with the help of OCPBR together we will find her the perfect home. We thank you all for supporting all SUFP does! Izzy and countless others are alive because you remain dedicated to supporting our programs and mission. Thank you.
St. Patricks Day For Angels on March 16th is right around he corner!! We will once again be going to the Lancaster Animal Care Center to feed every being in that place. SUFP has already purchased the 400 pounds of food we will need for all the dogs but we will also be feeding every kind of animal and providing lunch for all the volubteers. So if you’re able to contribute to St. Patricks Day For Angels in honor of Izzy, Todd, Glenda, Ronda, Ladybug and all the other Lancaster hippos we have helped and saved those links thinks are in our BIO as well.
Stay tuned to Izzy’s modeling photos……💞
The post IZZY IS AN EARTH ANGEL appeared first on Stand Up For Pits Foundation.