7 Essentials For Desert Hiking With Dogs


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Bailey and I spend a lot of time hiking. And, after spending most of my life in the Midwest, visiting the desert comes with a certain amount of anxiety. The desert commands respect. And desert hiking with dogs means you need to take precautions to stay safe.

When my search for tips and resources came up empty, Bailey became my guinea pig. Together we developed this guide to the gear needed for desert hiking with dogs. Hopefully it makes your trip planning easier!

Essentials For Desert Hiking With Dogs

Bailey thinks the only gear she needs is her ball! But when you’re hiking the desert, there are a few other things you’ll need to pack.


Desert Dog Essential #1: Water

This probably sounds obvious, but when you’re hiking with dogs in the desert you need to pack water. A LOT of water. I alway carry some water for Bailey when we’re hiking. But, being a dog, she sometimes supplements my tap water with samples from streams, lakes, and puddles.

When you’re hiking the the desert with dogs, water is unreliable. A stream that was flowing last week could be totally dry today. So you have to take all the water you and your dog will need during your hike.

You can either carry the water for your and your dog, or let her carry her own beverages with a Ruffwear hydration dog backpack.

Giving your dog an efficient way to drink also helps reduce the amount of water one of you has to carry. My old dog, Duke, would only drink out of a bowl, so whatever he didn’t finish was wasted.

Bailey and I have developed an awesome system, but it took some practice! Every so often, I ask Bailey if she wants water. If she does, she faces me and sits down. Then I squirt water into her mouth from a water bottle.

Since it’s not natural for dogs to drink like this, they might sputter a bit until they get the hang of it. Just go slow and only give small drinks each time.

Using a collapsible water bottle works well. The key is the pop-top, which allows me to create a “drinking fountain” for Bailey. Of course, any water bottle will do, but these roll up for easy storage.


Desert Dog Essential #2: Dog Boots

In Chicago, Bailey had dog boots for the occasional hike in the snow and to protect her paws from the salty winter streets. But in the desert, her boots never leave my backpack.

Since dogs regulate their body temperature through their paw pads, boots aren’t something Bailey wears constantly while we hike. That could cause her to overheat. Instead, I consider them emergency equipment — carried in case of an injury, if the ground becomes hot, or when we encounter uncomfortable trail surfaces.

READ MORE ⇒ Which Dog Boots Are Best For Your Dog?

If you’re hiking with a dog on hot sand, like we did at Great Sand Dunes National Park, dog boots an absolute necessity. We like the Ultra Paws Rugged Dog Boots for their 2nd velcro strap, which really keeps the boots in place. But there are a lot of great dog boot options to choose from.

DO MORE ⇒  Tips For Visiting Great Sand Dunes National Park with Pets


Desert Dog Essential #3: Sit Pad

On longer hikes, you’re likely to stop and take a few breaks. I always carry a small sit-pad for myself – it’s a smaller version of my Therma-Rest sleeping pad. And, after watching Bailey struggle to find a place to rest, I decided to throw one in for her, too.

This may seem like overkill, but the desert is littered with rock shards, prickly brush, and cactus needles. If you’re looking forward to a leisurely lunch along the trail, bring something comfortable for your dog to lie down on. It’s a small investment to make everyone’s day more enjoyable.


Desert Dog Essential #4: Fine-Tooth Comb

This was a brand-new addition to my hiking gear – a special requirement for desert hiking with dogs. A fine-tooth comb allows you to remove cactus spines, goathead thorns, and sand burrs from your dog’s paws or fur quickly and easily. And, as an added bonus, they don’t end up stuck in your fingers! It’s well worth the two-dollar investment.

Desert Dog Essential #5: Tweezers

For cactus spines too small for the comb to catch, splinters, and even bee stingers, a simple pair to tweezers can save the day.

A fun fact I’ve learned (the hard way) is that, even if your dog isn’t bothered, you can get poked by spikes hitching a ride in their fur or hanging on the leash!

READ MORE ⇒  What To Do If Your Dog Gets Stung By A Scorpion


Desert Dog Essential #6: First-Aid Tape

Carrying a good first aid kit when your hiking in the desert with dogs goes without saying. But most don’t come with first-aid tape for pets. This is just as important as carrying Band-Aids for yourself. And you can order it online, or pick it up at any pet store. 

The tape is self-adhesive and won’t stick to skin or fur. So you won’t cause your pet additional pain while wrapping or unwrapping their injury. The tape is stretchy, so be sure to apply it as loosely as possible to avoid cutting off the circulation. And get your pet the appropriate medical attention as soon as possible.

READ MORE ⇒  Make A DIY Pet First Aid Kit

Desert Dog Essential #7: Benadryl

Dirty dog secret: Bailey likes to eat bees! Seriously, when things start buzzing around, it’s like she’s part frog. She’s even caught a few. And, so far, she hasn’t had a bad reaction. But just like in humans, your pet’s allergies can start at any point in their life. Adding Benadryl to our first aid kit was important for us both.

At your next vet visit, ask your dog’s doctor whether they recommend giving your pet Benadryl for an allergic reaction. If they approve, confirm the proper dosage. Then put a note with that information in your first aid kit along with the medication, so you’ll have it handy. (Benadryl dosage for dogs is much higher than for humans, so it’s important to know how much to administer.)

READ MORE ⇒  Compare The Top Dog Backpacks


Bonus Tip: Rattlesnakes!

Though they’ll do their best to avoid you and your dog, it is possible to have a rattlesnake encounter when you’re hiking with dogs in the desert. For those of you planning to spend a lot of time on desert trails, or if your dog hikes off-leash, consider vaccinating them for rattlesnake bites.

Having your dog vaccinated will give you more time to get them to a veterinarian if they are bitten. Opinions vary, so talk with your veterinarian to determine what’s best for your dog.

We hope that when you’re planning to go hiking with dogs you find this information helpful. If you have any other desert hiking tips, please share them in the comments below!

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The post 7 Essentials For Desert Hiking With Dogs appeared first on GoPetFriendly.com.

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