15 Adorable Bichon Frise Haircuts (With Pictures)

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The Bichon Frise is a fun, loving, and energetic dog. They are also undeniably adorable. With their curly hair and cute faces, it’s easy to fall in love with them. Once you have one of these dogs in your home, it’s fun to play with styles, accessories, and cuts. Let’s take a look at 15 adorable Bichon Frise haircuts you can try on your baby so you can try something new whenever the notion strikes.

The 15 Bichon Frise Haircuts

1.  The Puppy Cut

Image Credit: Studio Peace, Shutterstock

The puppy cut is a cute, popular way to style your Bichon Frise’s mane. With this cut, the hair along the body should be cut to medium length. The fur around your dog’s face, head, and ears should be trimmed shorter. This is what provides the cute puppy look. Luckily, this style is easy to maintain. Simply brush your pooch a couple of times per week to keep them free of debris and keep up the cute look.

2. The Teddy Bear Cut

Image Credit: Ieva Tvaronavicute, Shutterstock

The teddy bear cut is another popular style for a Bichon Frise. This cut is often called the panda cut and is ideal for pet owners who enjoy busy lifestyles. To achieve this look, the body hair should be trimmed to around 1 or 2 inches in length. The hair around your dog’s head and ears should be left longer. This will allow you to accessorize your dog with bows or ribbons that you like.

3. The Cute Face Cut

Image Credit: Eudyptula, Shutterstock

This cut is a great way to show off the cuteness of your Bichon Frise. Both the cute face and the round head, which we discuss next, are used to give your dog’s head a circular appearance. With the cute face cut, your pet’s fur needs to be cut closer to the face. This closer cut around the muzzle helps keep food and other things from being caught in your pup’s hair. Many lovers of this cut feel that it makes it easier to maintain.

4. The Round Head Cut

Image Credit: Rin Seiko, Shutterstock

Like the cute face cut, when doing the round head, you need your pet’s fur cut to appear circular. When doing this cut, the ears should be hidden so as not to interfere with the circular look. You also want the body hair cut to around 1 or 2 inches. This look is fairly easy to maintain but will need to be touched up each month.

5.  The Show Cut

Image Credit: Svetography, Shutterstock

The show cut is often referred to as the classic in the Bichon Frise world. It’s also one of the most difficult styles. With this cut, your dog’s hair will be longer than those we’ve previously discussed. The idea is to give your pooch a fluffy appearance. This cut is done with scissors and doesn’t require any shaving. Unfortunately, this style is a bit difficult to maintain and you’ll need to brush your pooch often.

6. The Lamb Cut

Image Credit: grategf1, Pixabay

The lamb cut is not only popular but also easy to do. Many can do this style at home without assistance. To get this look, your Bichon Frise’s hair should be trimmed to an inch in length around the legs and body. From there the hair on the ears and top of the head should be left longer. This is an adorable look that is also easy to care for.

7.  The Bell Ear Cut

Image Credit: Antranias, Pixabay

This cut is another classic for this dog breed. It’s easy to do and not difficult to maintain. To get this look, trim your dog’s hair to roughly an inch long around the body. The hair around the ears should be left long. This will provide a draping or bell-like appearance. For a bit more style you can leave your pooch’s tail fluffy like a cotton ball.

8. The Utility Cut

Image Credit: Rin Seiko, Shutterstock

The utility cut is great for summers in hot areas. This is a no-frills look that is super easy to maintain. Your pup’s hair should be trimmed down to around a half inch throughout the body. Your pooch will be more comfortable in the heat, but you can’t call this a flattering look. Still, you can dress your Bichon Frise up a bit with accessories to keep them looking adorable.

9. The Fluffy Ears Cut

This is another super cute yet classic look for a Bichon Frise. Simply trim your pup’s hair as short as you can along the body. What makes this look so adorable is the fluff left around the ears. You can easily accessorize it to provide a bit of bling for your baby.

10. The Regular Dog Cut

Image Credit: Vladimir Nenezic, Shutterstock

It may sound simple, but the regular dog cut can be difficult to achieve. The idea with this cut is to trim the hair close to your dog’s body but to allow the curls to be admired. However, you don’t want it overly fluffed out. The ears should be trimmed well to reveal them. This look will require a routine grooming schedule to keep it looking its best.

11. The Lion Cut

Image Credit: Spill Photography, Shutterstock

The lion cut is a favorite for these little dogs when the weather outside turns colder. This look requires a decent trim around your dog’s eyes so they can see well. From there, you’ll trim up the body and make it even. Around the head, the hair should be left long and styled to resemble a lion’s mane. To top this look off, a bushy tail looks great.

12. The Long Hair Cut

Image Credit: Kirsten Thompson, Shutterstock

This is a favorite among Bichon Frise owners due to the adorable appearance it provides. The hair along the body will need to be clipped short, however, hair along the head and tail are left long. You’ll need to keep this look well-groomed but the cuteness can’t be denied.

13. The Square Head Cut

Image Credit: rzierik, Pixabay

With this cut, you’re going for a specific shape around your dog’s head. The body hair, including that around the tail and legs, is to be cut short. You’ll need extra hair around your dog’s head to style and hide the ears.

14. The Helmet Cut

Like the round face cut, the helmet head is great for accentuating your dog’s gorgeous face. Simply trim the body hair as normal. Once that is done, the hair on the head should be left long so the curls can be shown. This is one of the more difficult looks to achieve so a groomer may need to help you out.

15. The Bushy Tail Cut

Image Credit: sergey kolesnikov, Shutterstock

This is an easy look to achieve and doesn’t require a ton of maintenance. Simply cut your Bichon Frise’s hair short all along the body and around the face. You’ll leave the hair on your pet’s tail long to show off those gorgeous curls. Make sure to groom your pet weekly to keep things neat.


As you can see, there are tons of ways you can style your Bichon Frise’s hair. If you have one of these adorable dogs and can’t wait to try something new, simply pick one of the styles from this list and give it a try. You and everyone around you will fall in love with your pup’s new style.

Featured Image Credit: Vojce, Shutterstock

The post 15 Adorable Bichon Frise Haircuts (With Pictures) by Dogster Team appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.

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